Question 1 @ 2024-11-26 18:29
We have seen how “mainstream” macros like
#define square(x) x * x
fail miserably. What’s the “root cause” of these failures?
- There’s no problems with these macros: it’s just that different languages behave differently.
- The problem is that C is an infix language.
The problem is in the macro body, it should be
. - The problem is that these macros are oblivious to the AST of the expressions they handle.
- Macros can only really work with languages in the Lisp family.
Question 2 @ 2024-11-26 18:31
Why do we say that Racket/Scheme (and others) macros are “Hygienic”?
- They respect the expression structure.
- They are used for “clean” code in functional languages.
- They respect lexical scope and avoid capturing identifiers.
- They respect dynamic scope and avoid capturing identifiers.
- They prevent possible side-effects at the macro level.
Question 3 @ 2024-11-26 18:33
Given the following alternative definitions of a while
(define (while condition-thunk body-thunk)
(when (condition-thunk)
(while condition-thunk body-thunk)))
(define-syntax-rule (while condition body ...)
(when condition
body ...
(while condition body ...)))
(when (condition-thunk)
(while condition-thunk body-thunk)))
(define-syntax-rule (while condition body ...)
(when condition
body ...
(while condition body ...)))
Choose the true statement.
- They are both correct and completely equivalent.
- They are both leading to an infinite loop.
- The first is a function and the second is a macro, so they cannot be compared in any way.
- The macro definition is fundamentally better since the function version can accept only a single body expression.
- The macro definition is broken since it’s an infinite loop, the function version is inconvenient to use but it works fine.
The macro definition is broken since it’s an infinite loop, the
function version is broken since it takes one
Question 4 @ 2024-11-26 18:37
Consider the following macro and use:
(define-syntax for
(syntax-rules (= to do)
[(for x = m to n do body ...)
(letrec ([loop (lambda (x)
(when (<= x n)
body ...
(loop (+ x 1))))])
(loop m))]))
(let ([i 9])
(for i = 1 to (add1 i) do (printf "~s\n" i)))
(syntax-rules (= to do)
[(for x = m to n do body ...)
(letrec ([loop (lambda (x)
(when (<= x n)
body ...
(loop (+ x 1))))])
(loop m))]))
(let ([i 9])
(for i = 1 to (add1 i) do (printf "~s\n" i)))
This prints integers going up from 1 and never stops.
What’s the problem?
It’s yet another example of a bad macro (like
from the previous question) that leads to an infinite loop. -
The outer
(let ([i 9]) ...)
messes up the scope. - The use of the macro doesn’t follow the expected shape WRT the listed keywords.
argument to the macro is inside the scope of the(lambda (x) ...)
, making the(add i)
refer to the loop variable.