Implementing Lexical Scope: Closures and Environments
So how do we fix this?
Lets go back to the root of the problem: the new evaluator does not behave in the same way as the substituting evaluator. In the old evaluator, it was easy to see how functions can behave as objects that remember values. For example, when we do this:
{fun {y}
{+ x y}}}
the result was a function value, which actually was the syntax object for this:
Now if we call this function from someplace else like:
{with {x 2}
{call f 3}}}
it is clear what the result will be: f is bound to a function that adds
1 to its input, so in the above the later binding for x
has no effect
at all.
But with the caching evaluator, the value of
{fun {y}
{+ x y}}}
is simply:
and there is no place where we save the 1 — that’s the root of our
problem. (That’s also what makes people suspect that using lambda
Racket and any other functional language involves some inefficient
code-recompiling magic.) In fact, we can verify that by inspecting the
returned value, and see that it does contain a free identifier.
Clearly, we need to create an object that contains the body and the
argument list, like the function syntax object — but we don’t do any
substitution, so in addition to the body an argument name(s) we need to
remember that we still need to substitute x
by 1
. This means that
the pieces of information we need to know are:
- body: {+ x y}
- pending substitutions: [1/x]
and that last bit has the missing 1
. The resulting object is called a
because it closes the function body over the substitutions
that are still pending (its environment).
So, the first change is in the value of functions which now need all
these pieces, unlike the Fun
case for the syntax object.
A second place that needs changing is the when functions are called.
When we’re done evaluating the call
arguments (the function value and
the argument value) but before we apply the function we have two
values — there is no more use for the current substitution cache at
this point: we have finished dealing with all substitutions that were
necessary over the current expression — we now continue with
evaluating the body of the function, with the new substitutions for the
formal arguments and actual values given. But the body itself is the
same one we had before — which is the previous body with its suspended
substitutions that we still did not do.
Rewrite the evaluation rules — all are the same except for evaluating
a fun
form and a call
eval({+ E1 E2},sc) = eval(E1,sc) + eval(E2,sc)
eval({- E1 E2},sc) = eval(E1,sc) - eval(E2,sc)
eval({* E1 E2},sc) = eval(E1,sc) * eval(E2,sc)
eval({/ E1 E2},sc) = eval(E1,sc) / eval(E2,sc)
eval(x,sc) = lookup(x,sc)
eval({with {x E1} E2},sc) = eval(E2,extend(x,eval(E1,sc),sc))
eval({fun {x} E},sc) = <{fun {x} E}, sc>
eval({call E1 E2},sc1) = eval(B,extend(x,eval(E2,sc1),sc2))
if eval(E1,sc1) = <{fun {x} B}, sc2>
= error! otherwise
As a side note, these substitution caches are a little more than “just a cache” now — they actually hold an environment of substitutions in which expression should be evaluated. So we will switch to the common environment name now.:
eval({+ E1 E2},env) = eval(E1,env) + eval(E2,env)
eval({- E1 E2},env) = eval(E1,env) - eval(E2,env)
eval({* E1 E2},env) = eval(E1,env) * eval(E2,env)
eval({/ E1 E2},env) = eval(E1,env) / eval(E2,env)
eval(x,env) = lookup(x,env)
eval({with {x E1} E2},env) = eval(E2,extend(x,eval(E1,env),env))
eval({fun {x} E},env) = <{fun {x} E}, env>
eval({call E1 E2},env1) = eval(B,extend(x,eval(E2, env1),env2))
if eval(E1,env1) = <{fun {x} B}, env2>
= error! otherwise
In case you find this easier to follow, the “flat algorithm” for
evaluating a call
2. if f is not a <{fun ...},...> closure then error!
3. x := evaluate E2 in env1
4. new_env := extend env_of(f) by mapping arg_of(f) to x
5. evaluate (and return) body_of(f) in new_env
Note how the scoping rules that are implied by this definition match the scoping rules that were implied by the substitution-based rules. (It should be possible to prove that they are the same.)
The changes to the code are almost trivial, except that we need a way to
represent <{fun {x} B}, env>
The implication of this change is that we now cannot use the same type for function syntax and function values since function values have more than just syntax. There is a simple solution to this — we never do any substitutions now, so we don’t need to translate values into expressions — we can come up with a new type for values, separate from the type of abstract syntax trees.
When we do this, we will also fix our hack of using FLANG as the type of
values: this was merely a convenience since the AST type had cases for
all kinds of values that we needed. (In fact, you should have noticed
that Racket does this too: numbers, strings, booleans, etc are all used
by both programs and syntax representation (s-expressions) — but note
that function values are not used in syntax.) We will now implement a
separate VAL
type for runtime values.
First, we need now a type for such environments — we can use Listof
for this:
(define-type ENV = (Listof (List Symbol VAL)))
but we can just as well define a new type for environment values:
[Extend Symbol VAL ENV])
Reimplementing lookup
is now simple:
;; lookup a symbol in an environment, return its value or throw an
;; error if it isn't bound
(define (lookup name env)
(cases env
[(EmptyEnv) (error 'lookup "no binding for ~s" name)]
[(Extend id val rest-env)
(if (eq? id name) val (lookup name rest-env))]))
… we don’t need extend
because we get Extend
from the type
definition, and we also get (EmptyEnv)
instead of empty-subst
We now use this with the new type for values — two variants of these:
[NumV Number]
[FunV Symbol FLANG ENV]) ; arg-name, body, scope
And now the new implementation of eval
which uses the new type and
implements lexical scope:
;; evaluates FLANG expressions by reducing them to values
(define (eval expr env)
(cases expr
[(Num n) (NumV n)]
[(Add l r) (arith-op + (eval l env) (eval r env))]
[(Sub l r) (arith-op - (eval l env) (eval r env))]
[(Mul l r) (arith-op * (eval l env) (eval r env))]
[(Div l r) (arith-op / (eval l env) (eval r env))]
[(With bound-id named-expr bound-body)
(eval bound-body
(Extend bound-id (eval named-expr env) env))]
[(Id name) (lookup name env)]
[(Fun bound-id bound-body)
(FunV bound-id bound-body env)]
[(Call fun-expr arg-expr)
(define fval (eval fun-expr env))
(cases fval
[(FunV bound-id bound-body f-env)
(eval bound-body
(Extend bound-id (eval arg-expr env) f-env))]
[else (error 'eval "`call' expects a function, got: ~s"
We also need to update arith-op
to use VAL
objects. The full code
follows — it now passes all tests, including the example that we used
to find the problem.
flang-env.rkt D ;; The Flang interpreter, using environments
#lang pl
The grammar:
<FLANG> ::= <num>
| { + <FLANG> <FLANG> }
| { - <FLANG> <FLANG> }
| { * <FLANG> <FLANG> }
| { / <FLANG> <FLANG> }
| { with { <id> <FLANG> } <FLANG> }
| <id>
| { fun { <id> } <FLANG> }
| { call <FLANG> <FLANG> }
Evaluation rules:
eval(N,env) = N
eval({+ E1 E2},env) = eval(E1,env) + eval(E2,env)
eval({- E1 E2},env) = eval(E1,env) - eval(E2,env)
eval({* E1 E2},env) = eval(E1,env) * eval(E2,env)
eval({/ E1 E2},env) = eval(E1,env) / eval(E2,env)
eval(x,env) = lookup(x,env)
eval({with {x E1} E2},env) = eval(E2,extend(x,eval(E1,env),env))
eval({fun {x} E},env) = <{fun {x} E}, env>
eval({call E1 E2},env1) = eval(B,extend(x,eval(E2,env1),env2))
if eval(E1,env1) = <{fun {x} B}, env2>
= error! otherwise
(define-type FLANG
[Num Number]
[Id Symbol]
[With Symbol FLANG FLANG]
[Fun Symbol FLANG]
(: parse-sexpr : Sexpr -> FLANG)
;; parses s-expressions into FLANGs
(define (parse-sexpr sexpr)
(match sexpr
[(number: n) (Num n)]
[(symbol: name) (Id name)]
[(cons 'with more)
(match sexpr
[(list 'with (list (symbol: name) named) body)
(With name (parse-sexpr named) (parse-sexpr body))]
[else (error 'parse-sexpr "bad `with' syntax in ~s" sexpr)])]
[(cons 'fun more)
(match sexpr
[(list 'fun (list (symbol: name)) body)
(Fun name (parse-sexpr body))]
[else (error 'parse-sexpr "bad `fun' syntax in ~s" sexpr)])]
[(list '+ lhs rhs) (Add (parse-sexpr lhs) (parse-sexpr rhs))]
[(list '- lhs rhs) (Sub (parse-sexpr lhs) (parse-sexpr rhs))]
[(list '* lhs rhs) (Mul (parse-sexpr lhs) (parse-sexpr rhs))]
[(list '/ lhs rhs) (Div (parse-sexpr lhs) (parse-sexpr rhs))]
[(list 'call fun arg)
(Call (parse-sexpr fun) (parse-sexpr arg))]
[else (error 'parse-sexpr "bad syntax in ~s" sexpr)]))
(: parse : String -> FLANG)
;; parses a string containing a FLANG expression to a FLANG AST
(define (parse str)
(parse-sexpr (string->sexpr str)))
;; Types for environments, values, and a lookup function
(define-type ENV
[Extend Symbol VAL ENV])
(define-type VAL
[NumV Number]
[FunV Symbol FLANG ENV])
(: lookup : Symbol ENV -> VAL)
;; lookup a symbol in an environment, return its value or throw an
;; error if it isn't bound
(define (lookup name env)
(cases env
[(EmptyEnv) (error 'lookup "no binding for ~s" name)]
[(Extend id val rest-env)
(if (eq? id name) val (lookup name rest-env))]))
(: NumV->number : VAL -> Number)
;; convert a FLANG runtime numeric value to a Racket one
(define (NumV->number val)
(cases val
[(NumV n) n]
[else (error 'arith-op "expected a number, got: ~s" val)]))
(: arith-op : (Number Number -> Number) VAL VAL -> VAL)
;; gets a Racket numeric binary operator, and uses it within a NumV
;; wrapper
(define (arith-op op val1 val2)
(NumV (op (NumV->number val1) (NumV->number val2))))
(: eval : FLANG ENV -> VAL)
;; evaluates FLANG expressions by reducing them to values
(define (eval expr env)
(cases expr
[(Num n) (NumV n)]
[(Add l r) (arith-op + (eval l env) (eval r env))]
[(Sub l r) (arith-op - (eval l env) (eval r env))]
[(Mul l r) (arith-op * (eval l env) (eval r env))]
[(Div l r) (arith-op / (eval l env) (eval r env))]
[(With bound-id named-expr bound-body)
(eval bound-body
(Extend bound-id (eval named-expr env) env))]
[(Id name) (lookup name env)]
[(Fun bound-id bound-body)
(FunV bound-id bound-body env)]
[(Call fun-expr arg-expr)
(define fval (eval fun-expr env))
(cases fval
[(FunV bound-id bound-body f-env)
(eval bound-body
(Extend bound-id (eval arg-expr env) f-env))]
[else (error 'eval "`call' expects a function, got: ~s"
(: run : String -> Number)
;; evaluate a FLANG program contained in a string
(define (run str)
(let ([result (eval (parse str) (EmptyEnv))])
(cases result
[(NumV n) n]
[else (error 'run "evaluation returned a non-number: ~s"
;; tests
(test (run "{call {fun {x} {+ x 1}} 4}")
=> 5)
(test (run "{with {add3 {fun {x} {+ x 3}}}
{call add3 1}}")
=> 4)
(test (run "{with {add3 {fun {x} {+ x 3}}}
{with {add1 {fun {x} {+ x 1}}}
{with {x 3}
{call add1 {call add3 x}}}}}")
=> 7)
(test (run "{with {identity {fun {x} x}}
{with {foo {fun {x} {+ x 1}}}
{call {call identity foo} 123}}}")
=> 124)
(test (run "{with {x 3}
{with {f {fun {y} {+ x y}}}
{with {x 5}
{call f 4}}}}")
=> 7)
(test (run "{call {with {x 3}
{fun {y} {+ x y}}}
=> 7)
(test (run "{with {f {with {x 3} {fun {y} {+ x y}}}}
{with {x 100}
{call f 4}}}")
=> 7)
(test (run "{call {call {fun {x} {call x 1}}
{fun {x} {fun {y} {+ x y}}}}
=> 124)
Fixing an Overlooked Bug
Incidentally, this version fixes a bug we had previously in the substitution version of FLANG:
{with {x 7}
{call f 1}}}")
This bug was due to our naive subst
, which doesn’t avoid capturing
renames. But note that since that version of the evaluator makes its way
from the outside in, there is no difference in semantics for valid
programs — ones that don’t have free identifiers.
(Reminder: This was not a dynamically scoped language, just a bug that
happened when x
wasn’t substituted away before f
was replaced with
something that refers to x
Lexical Scope using Racket Closures
PLAI §11 (without the last part about recursion)
An alternative representation for an environment.
We’ve already seen how first-class functions can be used to implement
“objects” that contain some information. We can use the same idea to
represent an environment. The basic intuition is — an environment is a
mapping (a function) between an identifier and some value. For
example, we can represent the environment that maps 'a
to 1
and 'b
to 2
(using just numbers for simplicity) using this function:
(define (my-map id)
(cond [(eq? 'a id) 1]
[(eq? 'b id) 2]
[else (error ...)]))
An empty mapping that is implemented in this way has the same type:
(define (empty-mapping id)
(error ...))
We can use this idea to implement our environments: we only need to
define three things — EmptyEnv
, Extend
, and lookup
. If we manage
to keep the contract to these functions intact, we will be able to
simply plug it into the same evaluator code with no other changes. It
will also be more convenient to define ENV
as the appropriate function
type for use in the VAL
type definition instead of using the actual
(define-type ENV = Symbol -> VAL)
Now we get to EmptyEnv
— this is expected to be a function that
expects no arguments and creates an empty environment, one that behaves
like the empty-mapping
function defined above. We could define it like
this (changing the empty-mapping
type to return a VAL
but we can skip the need for an extra definition and simply return an empty mapping function:
(define (EmptyEnv)
(lambda (id) (error ...)))
(The un-Rackety name is to avoid replacing previous code that used the
name for the constructor that was created by the type
The next thing we tackle is lookup
. The previous definition that was
used is:
(define (lookup name env)
(cases env
[(EmptyEnv) (error 'lookup "no binding for ~s" name)]
[(Extend id val rest-env)
(if (eq? id name) val (lookup name rest-env))]))
How should it be modified now? Easy — an environment is a mapping: a
Racket function that will do the searching job itself. We don’t need to
modify the contract since we’re still using ENV
, except a different
implementation for it. The new definition is:
(define (lookup name env)
(env name))
Note that lookup
does almost nothing — it simply delegates the real
work to the env
argument. This is a good hint for the error message
that empty mappings should throw —
(define (EmptyEnv)
(lambda (id) (error 'lookup "no binding for ~s" id)))
Finally, Extend
— this was previously created by the variant case of
the ENV type definition:
keeping the same type that is implied by this variant means that the new
should look like this:
(define (Extend id val rest-env)
The question is — how do we extend a given environment? Well, first,
we know that the result should be mapping — a symbol -> VAL
that expects an identifier to look for:
(define (Extend id val rest-env)
(lambda (name)
Next, we know that in the generated mapping, if we look for id
the result should be val
(define (Extend id val rest-env)
(lambda (name)
(if (eq? name id)
If the name
that we’re looking for is not the same as id
, then we
need to search through the previous environment:
(define (Extend id val rest-env)
(lambda (name)
(if (eq? name id)
(lookup name rest-env))))
But we know what lookup
does — it simply delegates back to the
mapping function (which is our rest
argument), so we can take a direct
route instead:
(define (Extend id val rest-env)
(lambda (name)
(if (eq? name id)
(rest-env name)))) ; same as (lookup name rest-env)
To see how all this works, try out extending an empty environment a few times and examine the result. For example, the environment that we began with:
(cond [(eq? 'a id) 1]
[(eq? 'b id) 2]
[else (error ...)]))
behaves in the same way (if the type of values is numbers) as
The new code is now the same, except for the environment code:
The grammar:
<FLANG> ::= <num>
| { + <FLANG> <FLANG> }
| { - <FLANG> <FLANG> }
| { * <FLANG> <FLANG> }
| { / <FLANG> <FLANG> }
| { with { <id> <FLANG> } <FLANG> }
| <id>
| { fun { <id> } <FLANG> }
| { call <FLANG> <FLANG> }
Evaluation rules:
eval(N,env) = N
eval({+ E1 E2},env) = eval(E1,env) + eval(E2,env)
eval({- E1 E2},env) = eval(E1,env) - eval(E2,env)
eval({* E1 E2},env) = eval(E1,env) * eval(E2,env)
eval({/ E1 E2},env) = eval(E1,env) / eval(E2,env)
eval(x,env) = lookup(x,env)
eval({with {x E1} E2},env) = eval(E2,extend(x,eval(E1,env),env))
eval({fun {x} E},env) = <{fun {x} E}, env>
eval({call E1 E2},env1) = eval(B,extend(x,eval(E2,env1),env2))
if eval(E1,env1) = <{fun {x} B}, env2>
= error! otherwise
(define-type FLANG
[Num Number]
[Id Symbol]
[With Symbol FLANG FLANG]
[Fun Symbol FLANG]
(: parse-sexpr : Sexpr -> FLANG)
;; parses s-expressions into FLANGs
(define (parse-sexpr sexpr)
(match sexpr
[(number: n) (Num n)]
[(symbol: name) (Id name)]
[(cons 'with more)
(match sexpr
[(list 'with (list (symbol: name) named) body)
(With name (parse-sexpr named) (parse-sexpr body))]
[else (error 'parse-sexpr "bad `with' syntax in ~s" sexpr)])]
[(cons 'fun more)
(match sexpr
[(list 'fun (list (symbol: name)) body)
(Fun name (parse-sexpr body))]
[else (error 'parse-sexpr "bad `fun' syntax in ~s" sexpr)])]
[(list '+ lhs rhs) (Add (parse-sexpr lhs) (parse-sexpr rhs))]
[(list '- lhs rhs) (Sub (parse-sexpr lhs) (parse-sexpr rhs))]
[(list '* lhs rhs) (Mul (parse-sexpr lhs) (parse-sexpr rhs))]
[(list '/ lhs rhs) (Div (parse-sexpr lhs) (parse-sexpr rhs))]
[(list 'call fun arg)
(Call (parse-sexpr fun) (parse-sexpr arg))]
[else (error 'parse-sexpr "bad syntax in ~s" sexpr)]))
(: parse : String -> FLANG)
;; parses a string containing a FLANG expression to a FLANG AST
(define (parse str)
(parse-sexpr (string->sexpr str)))
;; Types for environments, values, and a lookup function
(define-type VAL
[NumV Number]
[FunV Symbol FLANG ENV])
;; Define a type for functional environments
(define-type ENV = Symbol -> VAL)
(: EmptyEnv : -> ENV)
(define (EmptyEnv)
(lambda (id) (error 'lookup "no binding for ~s" id)))
(: Extend : Symbol VAL ENV -> ENV)
;; extend a given environment cache with a new binding
(define (Extend id val rest-env)
(lambda (name)
(if (eq? name id)
(rest-env name))))
(: lookup : Symbol ENV -> VAL)
;; lookup a symbol in an environment, return its value or throw an
;; error if it isn't bound
(define (lookup name env)
(env name))
(: NumV->number : VAL -> Number)
;; convert a FLANG runtime numeric value to a Racket one
(define (NumV->number val)
(cases val
[(NumV n) n]
[else (error 'arith-op "expected a number, got: ~s" val)]))
(: arith-op : (Number Number -> Number) VAL VAL -> VAL)
;; gets a Racket numeric binary operator, and uses it within a NumV
;; wrapper
(define (arith-op op val1 val2)
(NumV (op (NumV->number val1) (NumV->number val2))))
(: eval : FLANG ENV -> VAL)
;; evaluates FLANG expressions by reducing them to values
(define (eval expr env)
(cases expr
[(Num n) (NumV n)]
[(Add l r) (arith-op + (eval l env) (eval r env))]
[(Sub l r) (arith-op - (eval l env) (eval r env))]
[(Mul l r) (arith-op * (eval l env) (eval r env))]
[(Div l r) (arith-op / (eval l env) (eval r env))]
[(With bound-id named-expr bound-body)
(eval bound-body
(Extend bound-id (eval named-expr env) env))]
[(Id name) (lookup name env)]
[(Fun bound-id bound-body)
(FunV bound-id bound-body env)]
[(Call fun-expr arg-expr)
(define fval (eval fun-expr env))
(cases fval
[(FunV bound-id bound-body f-env)
(eval bound-body
(Extend bound-id (eval arg-expr env) f-env))]
[else (error 'eval "`call' expects a function, got: ~s"
(: run : String -> Number)
;; evaluate a FLANG program contained in a string
(define (run str)
(let ([result (eval (parse str) (EmptyEnv))])
(cases result
[(NumV n) n]
[else (error 'run "evaluation returned a non-number: ~s"
;; tests
(test (run "{call {fun {x} {+ x 1}} 4}")
=> 5)
(test (run "{with {add3 {fun {x} {+ x 3}}}
{call add3 1}}")
=> 4)
(test (run "{with {add3 {fun {x} {+ x 3}}}
{with {add1 {fun {x} {+ x 1}}}
{with {x 3}
{call add1 {call add3 x}}}}}")
=> 7)
(test (run "{with {identity {fun {x} x}}
{with {foo {fun {x} {+ x 1}}}
{call {call identity foo} 123}}}")
=> 124)
(test (run "{with {x 3}
{with {f {fun {y} {+ x y}}}
{with {x 5}
{call f 4}}}}")
=> 7)
(test (run "{call {with {x 3}
{fun {y} {+ x y}}}
=> 7)
(test (run "{with {f {with {x 3} {fun {y} {+ x y}}}}
{with {x 100}
{call f 4}}}")
=> 7)
(test (run "{call {call {fun {x} {call x 1}}
{fun {x} {fun {y} {+ x y}}}}
=> 124)
More Closures (on both levels)
Racket closures (= functions) can be used in other places too, and as we have seen, they can do more than encapsulate various values — they can also hold the behavior that is expected of these values.
To demonstrate this we will deal with closures in our language. We currently use a variant that holds the three pieces of relevant information:
We can replace this by a functional object, which will hold the three
values. First, change the VAL
type to hold functions for FunV
[NumV Number]
[FunV (? -> ?)])
And note that the function should somehow encapsulate the same
information that was there previously, the question is how this
information is going to be done, and this will determine the actual
type. This information plays a role in two places in our evaluator —
generating a closure in the Fun
case, and using it in the Call
(FunV bound-id bound-body env)]
[(Call fun-expr arg-expr)
(define fval (eval fun-expr env))
(cases fval
[(FunV bound-id bound-body f-env)
(eval bound-body ;***
(Extend bound-id ;***
(eval arg-expr env) ;***
f-env))] ;***
[else (error 'eval "`call' expects a function, got: ~s" fval)])]
we can simply fold the marked functionality bit of Call
into a Racket
function that will be stored in a FunV
object — this piece of
functionality takes an argument value, extends the closure’s environment
with its value and the function’s name, and continues to evaluate the
function body. Folding all of this into a function gives us:
(eval bound-body (Extend bound-id arg-val env)))
where the values of bound-body
, bound-id
, and val
are known at the
time that the FunV
is constructed. Doing this gives us the following
code for the two cases:
(FunV (lambda (arg-val)
(eval bound-body (Extend bound-id arg-val env))))]
[(Call fun-expr arg-expr)
(define fval (eval fun-expr env))
(cases fval
[(FunV proc) (proc (eval arg-expr env))]
[else (error 'eval "`call' expects a function, got: ~s" fval)])]
And now the type of the function is clear:
[NumV Number]
[FunV (VAL -> VAL)])
And again, the rest of the code is unmodified:
(define-type FLANG
[Num Number]
[Id Symbol]
[With Symbol FLANG FLANG]
[Fun Symbol FLANG]
(: parse-sexpr : Sexpr -> FLANG)
;; parses s-expressions into FLANGs
(define (parse-sexpr sexpr)
(match sexpr
[(number: n) (Num n)]
[(symbol: name) (Id name)]
[(cons 'with more)
(match sexpr
[(list 'with (list (symbol: name) named) body)
(With name (parse-sexpr named) (parse-sexpr body))]
[else (error 'parse-sexpr "bad `with' syntax in ~s" sexpr)])]
[(cons 'fun more)
(match sexpr
[(list 'fun (list (symbol: name)) body)
(Fun name (parse-sexpr body))]
[else (error 'parse-sexpr "bad `fun' syntax in ~s" sexpr)])]
[(list '+ lhs rhs) (Add (parse-sexpr lhs) (parse-sexpr rhs))]
[(list '- lhs rhs) (Sub (parse-sexpr lhs) (parse-sexpr rhs))]
[(list '* lhs rhs) (Mul (parse-sexpr lhs) (parse-sexpr rhs))]
[(list '/ lhs rhs) (Div (parse-sexpr lhs) (parse-sexpr rhs))]
[(list 'call fun arg)
(Call (parse-sexpr fun) (parse-sexpr arg))]
[else (error 'parse-sexpr "bad syntax in ~s" sexpr)]))
(: parse : String -> FLANG)
;; parses a string containing a FLANG expression to a FLANG AST
(define (parse str)
(parse-sexpr (string->sexpr str)))
;; Types for environments, values, and a lookup function
(define-type VAL
[NumV Number]
[FunV (VAL -> VAL)])
;; Define a type for functional environments
(define-type ENV = Symbol -> VAL)
(: EmptyEnv : -> ENV)
(define (EmptyEnv)
(lambda (id) (error 'lookup "no binding for ~s" id)))
(: Extend : Symbol VAL ENV -> ENV)
;; extend a given environment cache with a new binding
(define (Extend id val rest-env)
(lambda (name)
(if (eq? name id)
(rest-env name))))
(: lookup : Symbol ENV -> VAL)
;; lookup a symbol in an environment, return its value or throw an
;; error if it isn't bound
(define (lookup name env)
(env name))
(: NumV->number : VAL -> Number)
;; convert a FLANG runtime numeric value to a Racket one
(define (NumV->number val)
(cases val
[(NumV n) n]
[else (error 'arith-op "expected a number, got: ~s" val)]))
(: arith-op : (Number Number -> Number) VAL VAL -> VAL)
;; gets a Racket numeric binary operator, and uses it within a NumV
;; wrapper
(define (arith-op op val1 val2)
(NumV (op (NumV->number val1) (NumV->number val2))))
(: eval : FLANG ENV -> VAL)
;; evaluates FLANG expressions by reducing them to values
(define (eval expr env)
(cases expr
[(Num n) (NumV n)]
[(Add l r) (arith-op + (eval l env) (eval r env))]
[(Sub l r) (arith-op - (eval l env) (eval r env))]
[(Mul l r) (arith-op * (eval l env) (eval r env))]
[(Div l r) (arith-op / (eval l env) (eval r env))]
[(With bound-id named-expr bound-body)
(eval bound-body
(Extend bound-id (eval named-expr env) env))]
[(Id name) (lookup name env)]
[(Fun bound-id bound-body)
(FunV (lambda (arg-val)
(eval bound-body (Extend bound-id arg-val env))))]
[(Call fun-expr arg-expr)
(define fval (eval fun-expr env))
(cases fval
[(FunV proc) (proc (eval arg-expr env))]
[else (error 'eval "`call' expects a function, got: ~s"
(: run : String -> Number)
;; evaluate a FLANG program contained in a string
(define (run str)
(let ([result (eval (parse str) (EmptyEnv))])
(cases result
[(NumV n) n]
[else (error 'run "evaluation returned a non-number: ~s"
;; tests
(test (run "{call {fun {x} {+ x 1}} 4}")
=> 5)
(test (run "{with {add3 {fun {x} {+ x 3}}}
{call add3 1}}")
=> 4)
(test (run "{with {add3 {fun {x} {+ x 3}}}
{with {add1 {fun {x} {+ x 1}}}
{with {x 3}
{call add1 {call add3 x}}}}}")
=> 7)
(test (run "{with {identity {fun {x} x}}
{with {foo {fun {x} {+ x 1}}}
{call {call identity foo} 123}}}")
=> 124)
(test (run "{with {x 3}
{with {f {fun {y} {+ x y}}}
{with {x 5}
{call f 4}}}}")
=> 7)
(test (run "{call {with {x 3}
{fun {y} {+ x y}}}
=> 7)
(test (run "{with {f {with {x 3} {fun {y} {+ x y}}}}
{with {x 100}
{call f 4}}}")
=> 7)
(test (run "{call {call {fun {x} {call x 1}}
{fun {x} {fun {y} {+ x y}}}}
=> 124)
Types of Evaluators
What we did just now is implement lexical environments and closures in the language we implement using lexical environments and closures in our own language (Racket)!
This is another example of embedding a feature of the host language in the implemented language, an issue that we have already discussed.
There are many examples of this, even when the two languages involved are different. For example, if we have this bit in the C implementation of Racket:
Racket_Object *eval_and(int argc, Racket_Object *argv[]) {
Racket_Object *tmp;
if ( argc != 2 )
signal_racket_error("bad number of arguments");
else if ( racket_eval(argv[0]) != racket_false
(tmp = racket_eval(argv[1])) != racket_false )
return tmp;
return racket_false;
then the special semantics of evaluating a Racket and
form is being
inherited from C’s special treatment of &&
. You can see this by the
fact that if there is a bug in the C compiler, then it will propagate to
the resulting Racket implementation too. A different solution is to not
use &&
at all:
Racket_Object *eval_and(int argc, Racket_Object *argv[]) {
Racket_Object *tmp;
if ( argc != 2 )
signal_racket_error("bad number of arguments");
else if ( racket_eval(argv[0]) != racket_false )
return racket_eval(argv[1]);
return racket_false;
and we can say that this is even better since it evaluates the second expression in tail position. But in this case we don’t really get that benefit, since C itself is not doing tail-call optimization as a standard feature (though some compilers do so under some circumstances).
We have seen a few different implementations of evaluators that are quite different in flavor. They suggest the following taxonomy.
A syntactic evaluator is one that uses its own language to represent expressions and semantic runtime values of the evaluated language, implementing all the corresponding behavior explicitly.
A meta evaluator is an evaluator that uses language features of its own language to directly implement behavior of the evaluated language.
While our substitution-based FLANG evaluator was close to being a syntactic evaluator, we haven’t written any purely syntactic evaluators so far: we still relied on things like Racket arithmetics etc. The most recent evaluator that we have studied, is even more of a meta evaluator than the preceding ones: it doesn’t even implement closures and lexical scope, and instead, it uses the fact that Racket itself has them.
With a good match between the evaluated language and the implementation language, writing a meta evaluator can be very easy. With a bad match, though, it can be very hard. With a syntactic evaluator, implementing each semantic feature will be somewhat hard, but in return you don’t have to worry as much about how well the implementation and the evaluated languages match up. In particular, if there is a particularly strong mismatch between the implementation and the evaluated language, it may take less effort to write a syntactic evaluator than a meta evaluator.
As an exercise, we can build upon our latest evaluator to remove the encapsulation of the evaluator’s response in the VAL type. The resulting evaluator is shown below. This is a true meta evaluator: it uses Racket closures to implement FLANG closures, Racket function application for FLANG function application, Racket numbers for FLANG numbers, and Racket arithmetic for FLANG arithmetic. In fact, ignoring some small syntactic differences between Racket and FLANG, this latest evaluator can be classified as something more specific than a meta evaluator:
A meta-circular evaluator is a meta evaluator in which the implementation and the evaluated languages are the same.
This is essentially the concept of a “universal” evaluator, as in a “universal turing machine”.
(Put differently, the trivial nature of the evaluator clues us in to the deep connection between the two languages, whatever their syntactic differences may be.)
Feature Embedding
We saw that the difference between lazy evaluation and eager evaluation
is in the evaluation rules for with
forms, function applications, etc:
is eager, and
is lazy. But is the first rule really eager? The fact is that the only thing that makes it eager is the fact that our understanding of the mathematical notation is eager — if we were to take math as lazy, then the description of the rule becomes a description of lazy evaluation.
Another way to look at this is — take the piece of code that implements this evaluation:
;; evaluates FLANG expressions by reducing them to numbers
(define (eval expr)
(cases expr
[(With bound-id named-expr bound-body)
(eval (subst bound-body
(Num (eval named-expr))))]
and the same question applies: is this really implementing eager
evaluation? We know that this is indeed eager — we can simply try it
and check that it is, but it is only eager because we are using an eager
language for the implementation! If our own language was lazy, then the
evaluator’s implementation would run lazily, which means that the above
applications of the eval
and the subst
functions would also be lazy,
making our evaluator lazy as well.
This is a general phenomena where some of the semantic features of the language we use (math in the formal description, Racket in our code) gets embedded into the language we implement.
Here’s another example — consider the code that implements arithmetics:
;; evaluates FLANG expressions by reducing them to numbers
(define (eval expr)
(cases expr
[(Num n) n]
[(Add l r) (+ (eval l) (eval r))]
what if it was written like this:
if (is_Num(expr))
return num_of_Num(expr);
else if (is_Add(expr))
return eval(lhs_of_Add(expr)) + eval(rhs_of_Add(expr));
else if ...
Would it still implement unlimited integers and exact fractions? That depends on the language that was used to implement it: the above syntax suggests C, C++, Java, or some other relative, which usually come with limited integers and no exact fractions. But this really depends on the language — even our own code has unlimited integers and exact rationals only because Racket has them. If we were using a language that didn’t have such features (there are such Scheme implementations), then our implemented language would absorb these (lack of) features too, and its own numbers would be limited in just the same way. (And this includes the syntax for numbers, which we embedded intentionally, like the syntax for identifiers).
The bottom line is that we should be aware of such issues, and be very careful when we talk about semantics. Even the language that we use to communicate (semi-formal logic) can mean different things.
Aside: read “Reflections on Trusting Trust” by Ken Thompson (You can skip to the “Stage II” part to get to the interesting stuff.)
(And when you’re done, look for “XcodeGhost” to see a relevant example, and don’t miss the leaked document on the wikipedia page…)
Here is yet another variation of our evaluator that is even closer to a meta-circular evaluator. It uses Racket values directly to implement values, so arithmetic operations become straightforward. Note especially how the case for function application is similar to arithmetics: a FLANG function application translates to a Racket function application. In both cases (applications and arithmetics) we don’t even check the objects since they are simple Racket objects — if our language happens to have some meaning for arithmetics with functions, or for applying numbers, then we will inherit the same semantics in our language. This means that we now specify less behavior and fall back more often on what Racket does.
We use Racket values with this type definition:
And the evaluation function can now be:
;; evaluates FLANG expressions by reducing them to values
(define (eval expr env)
(cases expr
[(Num n) n] ;*** return the actual number
[(Add l r) (+ (eval l env) (eval r env))]
[(Sub l r) (- (eval l env) (eval r env))]
[(Mul l r) (* (eval l env) (eval r env))]
[(Div l r) (/ (eval l env) (eval r env))]
[(With bound-id named-expr bound-body)
(eval bound-body
(Extend bound-id (eval named-expr env) env))]
[(Id name) (lookup name env)]
[(Fun bound-id bound-body)
(lambda ([arg-val : VAL]) ;*** return the racket function
;; note that this requires input type specifications since
;; typed racket can't guess the right one
(eval bound-body (Extend bound-id arg-val env)))]
[(Call fun-expr arg-expr)
((eval fun-expr env) ;*** trivial like the arithmetics!
(eval arg-expr env))]))
Note how the arithmetics implementation is simple — it’s a direct translation of the FLANG syntax to Racket operations, and since we don’t check the inputs to the Racket operations, we let Racket throw type errors for us. Note also how function application is just like the arithmetic operations: a FLANG application is directly translated to a Racket application.
However, this does not work quite as simply in Typed Racket. The whole
point of typechecking is that we never run into type errors — so we
cannot throw back on Racket errors since code that might produce them is
forbidden! A way around this is to perform explicit checks that
guarantee that Racket cannot run into type errors. We do this with the
following two helpers that are defined inside eval
(define (evalN e)
(let ([n (eval e env)])
(if (number? n)
(error 'eval "got a non-number: ~s" n))))
(: evalF : FLANG -> (VAL -> VAL))
(define (evalF e)
(let ([f (eval e env)])
(if (function? f)
(error 'eval "got a non-function: ~s" f))))
Note that Typed Racket is “smart enough” to figure out that in evalF
the result of the recursive evaluation has to be either Number
(VAL -> VAL)
; and since the if
throws out on numbers, we’re left
with (VAL -> VAL)
functions, not just any function.
(define-type FLANG
[Num Number]
[Id Symbol]
[With Symbol FLANG FLANG]
[Fun Symbol FLANG]
(: parse-sexpr : Sexpr -> FLANG)
;; parses s-expressions into FLANGs
(define (parse-sexpr sexpr)
(match sexpr
[(number: n) (Num n)]
[(symbol: name) (Id name)]
[(cons 'with more)
(match sexpr
[(list 'with (list (symbol: name) named) body)
(With name (parse-sexpr named) (parse-sexpr body))]
[else (error 'parse-sexpr "bad `with' syntax in ~s" sexpr)])]
[(cons 'fun more)
(match sexpr
[(list 'fun (list (symbol: name)) body)
(Fun name (parse-sexpr body))]
[else (error 'parse-sexpr "bad `fun' syntax in ~s" sexpr)])]
[(list '+ lhs rhs) (Add (parse-sexpr lhs) (parse-sexpr rhs))]
[(list '- lhs rhs) (Sub (parse-sexpr lhs) (parse-sexpr rhs))]
[(list '* lhs rhs) (Mul (parse-sexpr lhs) (parse-sexpr rhs))]
[(list '/ lhs rhs) (Div (parse-sexpr lhs) (parse-sexpr rhs))]
[(list 'call fun arg)
(Call (parse-sexpr fun) (parse-sexpr arg))]
[else (error 'parse-sexpr "bad syntax in ~s" sexpr)]))
(: parse : String -> FLANG)
;; parses a string containing a FLANG expression to a FLANG AST
(define (parse str)
(parse-sexpr (string->sexpr str)))
;; Types for environments, values, and a lookup function
;; Values are plain Racket values, no new VAL wrapper;
;; (but note that this is a recursive definition)
(define-type VAL = (U Number (VAL -> VAL)))
;; Define a type for functional environments
(define-type ENV = (Symbol -> VAL))
(: EmptyEnv : -> ENV)
(define (EmptyEnv)
(lambda (id) (error 'lookup "no binding for ~s" id)))
(: Extend : Symbol VAL ENV -> ENV)
;; extend a given environment cache with a new binding
(define (Extend id val rest-env)
(lambda (name)
(if (eq? name id)
(rest-env name))))
(: lookup : Symbol ENV -> VAL)
;; lookup a symbol in an environment, return its value or throw an
;; error if it isn't bound
(define (lookup name env)
(env name))
(: eval : FLANG ENV -> VAL)
;; evaluates FLANG expressions by reducing them to values
(define (eval expr env)
(: evalN : FLANG -> Number)
(define (evalN e)
(let ([n (eval e env)])
(if (number? n)
(error 'eval "got a non-number: ~s" n))))
(: evalF : FLANG -> (VAL -> VAL))
(define (evalF e)
(let ([f (eval e env)])
(if (function? f)
(error 'eval "got a non-function: ~s" f))))
(cases expr
[(Num n) n]
[(Add l r) (+ (evalN l) (evalN r))]
[(Sub l r) (- (evalN l) (evalN r))]
[(Mul l r) (* (evalN l) (evalN r))]
[(Div l r) (/ (evalN l) (evalN r))]
[(With bound-id named-expr bound-body)
(eval bound-body
(Extend bound-id (eval named-expr env) env))]
[(Id name) (lookup name env)]
[(Fun bound-id bound-body)
(lambda ([arg-val : VAL])
(eval bound-body (Extend bound-id arg-val env)))]
[(Call fun-expr arg-expr)
((evalF fun-expr) (eval arg-expr env))]))
(: run : String -> VAL) ; no need to convert VALs to numbers
;; evaluate a FLANG program contained in a string
(define (run str)
(eval (parse str) (EmptyEnv)))
;; tests
(test (run "{call {fun {x} {+ x 1}} 4}")
=> 5)
(test (run "{with {add3 {fun {x} {+ x 3}}}
{call add3 1}}")
=> 4)
(test (run "{with {add3 {fun {x} {+ x 3}}}
{with {add1 {fun {x} {+ x 1}}}
{with {x 3}
{call add1 {call add3 x}}}}}")
=> 7)
(test (run "{with {identity {fun {x} x}}
{with {foo {fun {x} {+ x 1}}}
{call {call identity foo} 123}}}")
=> 124)
(test (run "{with {x 3}
{with {f {fun {y} {+ x y}}}
{with {x 5}
{call f 4}}}}")
=> 7)
(test (run "{call {with {x 3}
{fun {y} {+ x y}}}
=> 7)
(test (run "{with {f {with {x 3} {fun {y} {+ x y}}}}
{with {x 100}
{call f 4}}}")
=> 7)
(test (run "{call {call {fun {x} {call x 1}}
{fun {x} {fun {y} {+ x y}}}}
=> 124)