Substitution Caches
PLAI §5 (called “deferred substitutions” there)
Evaluating using substitutions is very inefficient — at each scope, we copy a piece of the program AST. This includes all function calls which implies an impractical cost (function calls should be cheap!).
To get over this, we want to use a cache of substitutions.
Basic idea: we begin evaluating with no cached substitutions, then collect them as we encounter bindings.
[Implies another change for our evaluator: we don’t really substitute identifiers until we get to them; when we reach an identifier, it is no longer an error — we must consult the substitution cache.]
Implementation of Cache Functionality
First, we need a type for a substitution cache. For this we will use a list of lists of two elements each — a name and its value FLANG:
(define-type SubstCache = (Listof (List Symbol FLANG)))
We need to have an empty substitution cache, a way to extend it, and a way to look things up:
(define empty-subst null)
(: extend : Symbol FLANG SubstCache -> SubstCache)
;; extend a given substitution cache with a new mapping
(define (extend id expr sc)
(cons (list id expr) sc))
(: lookup : Symbol SubstCache -> FLANG)
;; lookup a symbol in a substitution cache, return the value it is
;; bound to (or throw an error if it isn't bound)
(define (lookup name sc)
(cond [(null? sc) (error 'lookup "no binding for ~s" name)]
[(eq? name (first (first sc))) (second (first sc))]
[else (lookup name (rest sc))]))
Actually, the reason to use such list of lists is that Racket has a
built-in function called assq
that will do this kind of search (assq
is a search in an association list using eq?
for the key comparison).
This is a version of lookup
that uses assq
(let ([cell (assq name sc)])
(if cell
(second cell)
(error 'lookup "no binding for ~s" name))))
Formal Rules for Cached Substitutions
The formal evaluation rules are now different. Evaluation carries along
a substitution cache that begins its life as empty: so eval
needs an
extra argument. We begin by writing the rules that deal with the cache,
and use the above function names for simplicity — the behavior of the
three definitions can be summed up in a single rule for lookup
lookup(x,extend(x,E,sc)) = E
lookup(x,extend(y,E,sc)) = lookup(x,sc) if `x` is not `y`
And now we can write the new rules for eval
eval({+ E1 E2},sc) = eval(E1,sc) + eval(E2,sc)
eval({- E1 E2},sc) = eval(E1,sc) - eval(E2,sc)
eval({* E1 E2},sc) = eval(E1,sc) * eval(E2,sc)
eval({/ E1 E2},sc) = eval(E1,sc) / eval(E2,sc)
eval(x,sc) = lookup(x,sc)
eval({with {x E1} E2},sc) = eval(E2,extend(x,eval(E1,sc),sc))
eval({fun {x} E},sc) = {fun {x} E}
eval({call E1 E2},sc) = eval(B,extend(x,eval(E2,sc),sc))
if eval(E1,sc) = {fun {x} B}
= error! otherwise
Note that there is no mention of subst
— the whole point is that we
don’t really do substitution, but use the cache instead. The lookup
rules, and the places where extend
is used replaces subst
, and
therefore specifies our scoping rules.
Also note that the rule for call
is still very similar to the rule for
, but it looks like we have lost something — the interesting bit
with substituting into fun
Evaluating with Substitution Caches
Implementing the new eval
is easy now — it is extended in the same
way that the formal eval
rule is extended:
;; evaluates FLANG expressions by reducing them to expressions
(define (eval expr sc)
(cases expr
[(Num n) expr]
[(Add l r) (arith-op + (eval l sc) (eval r sc))]
[(Sub l r) (arith-op - (eval l sc) (eval r sc))]
[(Mul l r) (arith-op * (eval l sc) (eval r sc))]
[(Div l r) (arith-op / (eval l sc) (eval r sc))]
[(With bound-id named-expr bound-body)
(eval bound-body
(extend bound-id (eval named-expr sc) sc))]
[(Id name) (lookup name sc)]
[(Fun bound-id bound-body) expr]
[(Call fun-expr arg-expr)
(define fval (eval fun-expr sc))
(cases fval
[(Fun bound-id bound-body)
(eval bound-body (extend bound-id (eval arg-expr sc) sc))]
[else (error 'eval "`call' expects a function, got: ~s"
Again, note that we don’t need subst
anymore, but the rest of the code
(the data type definition, parsing, and arith-op
) is exactly the same.
Finally, we need to make sure that eval
is initially called with an
empty cache. This is easy to change in our main run
entry point:
;; evaluate a FLANG program contained in a string
(define (run str)
(let ([result (eval (parse str) empty-subst)])
(cases result
[(Num n) n]
[else (error 'run "evaluation returned a non-number: ~s"
The full code (including the same tests, but not including formal rules for now) follows. Note that one test does not pass.
(define-type FLANG
[Num Number]
[Id Symbol]
[With Symbol FLANG FLANG]
[Fun Symbol FLANG]
(: parse-sexpr : Sexpr -> FLANG)
;; parses s-expressions into FLANGs
(define (parse-sexpr sexpr)
(match sexpr
[(number: n) (Num n)]
[(symbol: name) (Id name)]
[(cons 'with more)
(match sexpr
[(list 'with (list (symbol: name) named) body)
(With name (parse-sexpr named) (parse-sexpr body))]
[else (error 'parse-sexpr "bad `with' syntax in ~s" sexpr)])]
[(cons 'fun more)
(match sexpr
[(list 'fun (list (symbol: name)) body)
(Fun name (parse-sexpr body))]
[else (error 'parse-sexpr "bad `fun' syntax in ~s" sexpr)])]
[(list '+ lhs rhs) (Add (parse-sexpr lhs) (parse-sexpr rhs))]
[(list '- lhs rhs) (Sub (parse-sexpr lhs) (parse-sexpr rhs))]
[(list '* lhs rhs) (Mul (parse-sexpr lhs) (parse-sexpr rhs))]
[(list '/ lhs rhs) (Div (parse-sexpr lhs) (parse-sexpr rhs))]
[(list 'call fun arg)
(Call (parse-sexpr fun) (parse-sexpr arg))]
[else (error 'parse-sexpr "bad syntax in ~s" sexpr)]))
(: parse : String -> FLANG)
;; parses a string containing a FLANG expression to a FLANG AST
(define (parse str)
(parse-sexpr (string->sexpr str)))
;; a type for substitution caches:
(define-type SubstCache = (Listof (List Symbol FLANG)))
(: empty-subst : SubstCache)
(define empty-subst null)
(: extend : Symbol FLANG SubstCache -> SubstCache)
;; extend a given substitution cache with a new mapping
(define (extend name val sc)
(cons (list name val) sc))
(: lookup : Symbol SubstCache -> FLANG)
;; lookup a symbol in a substitution cache, return the value it is
;; bound to (or throw an error if it isn't bound)
(define (lookup name sc)
(let ([cell (assq name sc)])
(if cell
(second cell)
(error 'lookup "no binding for ~s" name))))
(: Num->number : FLANG -> Number)
;; convert a FLANG number to a Racket one
(define (Num->number e)
(cases e
[(Num n) n]
[else (error 'arith-op "expected a number, got: ~s" e)]))
(: arith-op : (Number Number -> Number) FLANG FLANG -> FLANG)
;; gets a Racket numeric binary operator, and uses it within a FLANG
;; `Num' wrapper
(define (arith-op op val1 val2)
(Num (op (Num->number val1) (Num->number val2))))
(: eval : FLANG SubstCache -> FLANG)
;; evaluates FLANG expressions by reducing them to expressions
(define (eval expr sc)
(cases expr
[(Num n) expr]
[(Add l r) (arith-op + (eval l sc) (eval r sc))]
[(Sub l r) (arith-op - (eval l sc) (eval r sc))]
[(Mul l r) (arith-op * (eval l sc) (eval r sc))]
[(Div l r) (arith-op / (eval l sc) (eval r sc))]
[(With bound-id named-expr bound-body)
(eval bound-body
(extend bound-id (eval named-expr sc) sc))]
[(Id name) (lookup name sc)]
[(Fun bound-id bound-body) expr]
[(Call fun-expr arg-expr)
(define fval (eval fun-expr sc))
(cases fval
[(Fun bound-id bound-body)
(eval bound-body (extend bound-id (eval arg-expr sc) sc))]
[else (error 'eval "`call' expects a function, got: ~s"
(: run : String -> Number)
;; evaluate a FLANG program contained in a string
(define (run str)
(let ([result (eval (parse str) empty-subst)])
(cases result
[(Num n) n]
[else (error 'run "evaluation returned a non-number: ~s"
;; tests
(test (run "{call {fun {x} {+ x 1}} 4}")
=> 5)
(test (run "{with {add3 {fun {x} {+ x 3}}}
{call add3 1}}")
=> 4)
(test (run "{with {add3 {fun {x} {+ x 3}}}
{with {add1 {fun {x} {+ x 1}}}
{with {x 3}
{call add1 {call add3 x}}}}}")
=> 7)
(test (run "{with {identity {fun {x} x}}
{with {foo {fun {x} {+ x 1}}}
{call {call identity foo} 123}}}")
=> 124)
(test (run "{call {with {x 3}
{fun {y} {+ x y}}}
=> 7)
(test (run "{with {f {with {x 3} {fun {y} {+ x y}}}}
{with {x 100}
{call f 4}}}")
=> 7)
(test (run "{with {x 3}
{with {f {fun {y} {+ x y}}}
{with {x 5}
{call f 4}}}}")
=> "???")
(test (run "{call {call {fun {x} {call x 1}}
{fun {x} {fun {y} {+ x y}}}}
=> 124)