PL: Lecture #4  Tuesday, January 14th

Implementing an Evaluator

Now continue to implement the semantics of our syntax — we express that through an eval function that evaluates an expression.

We use a basic programming principle — splitting the code into two layers, one for parsing the input, and one for doing the evaluation. Doing this avoids the mess we’d get into otherwise, for example:

(define (eval sexpr)
  (match sexpr
    [(number: n) n]
    [(list '+ left right) (+ (eval left) (eval right))]
    [(list '- left right) (- (eval left) (eval right))]
    [else (error 'eval "bad syntax in ~s" sexpr)]))

This is messy because it combines two very different things — syntax and semantics — into a single lump of code. For this particular kind of evaluator it looks simple enough, but this is only because it’s simple enough that all we do is replace constructors by arithmetic operations. Later on things will get more complex, and bundling the evaluator with the parser will be more problematic. (Note: the fact that we can replace constructors with the run-time operators mean that we have a very simple, calculator-like language, and that we can, in fact, “compile” all programs down to a number.)

If we split the code, we can easily include decisions like making

{+ 1 {- 3 "a"}}

syntactically invalid. (Which is not, BTW, what Racket does…) (Also, this is like the distinction between XML syntax and well-formed XML syntax.)

An additional advantage is that by using two separate components, it is simple to replace each one, making it possible to change the input syntax, and the semantics independently — we only need to keep the same interface data (the AST) and things will work fine.

Our parse function converts an input syntax to an abstract syntax tree (AST). It is abstract exactly because it is independent of any actual concrete syntax that you type in, print out etc.

Implementing The AE Language

Back to our eval — this will be its (obvious) type:

(: eval : AE -> Number)
;; consumes an AE and computes
;; the corresponding number

which leads to some obvious test cases:

(equal? 3 (eval (parse "3")))
(equal? 7 (eval (parse "{+ 3 4}")))
(equal? 6 (eval (parse "{+ {- 3 4} 7}")))

which from now on we will write using the new test form that the #lang pl language provides:

(test (eval (parse "3"))            => 3)
(test (eval (parse "{+ 3 4}"))      => 7)
(test (eval (parse "{+ {- 3 4} 7}")) => 6)

Note that we’re testing only at the interface level — only running whole functions. For example, you could think about a test like:

(test (parse "{+ {- 3 4} 7}")
      => (Add (Sub (Num 3) (Num 4)) (Num 7)))

but the details of parsing and of the constructor names are things that nobody outside of our evaluator cares about — so we’re not testing them. In fact, we shouldn’t even mention parse in these tests, since it is not part of the public interface of our users; they only care about using it as a compiler-like black box. (This is sometimes called “integration tests”.) We’ll address this shortly.

Like everything else, the structure of the recursive eval code follows the recursive structure of its input. In HtDP terms, our template is:

(: eval : AE -> Number)
(define (eval expr)
  (cases expr
    [(Num n)  ... n ...]
    [(Add l r) ... (eval l) ... (eval r) ...]
    [(Sub l r) ... (eval l) ... (eval r) ...]))

In this case, filling in the gaps is very simple

(: eval : AE -> Number)
(define (eval expr)
  (cases expr
    [(Num n)  n]
    [(Add l r) (+ (eval l) (eval r))]
    [(Sub l r) (- (eval l) (eval r))]))

We now further combine eval and parse into a single run function that evaluates an AE string.

(: run : String -> Number)
;; evaluate an AE program contained in a string
(define (run str)
  (eval (parse str)))

This function becomes the single public entry point into our code, and the only thing that should be used in tests that verify our interface:

(test (run "3")            => 3)
(test (run "{+ 3 4}")      => 7)
(test (run "{+ {- 3 4} 7}") => 6)

The resulting full code is:

ae.rkt D 
#lang pl

#| BNF for the AE language:
  <AE> ::= <num>
          | { + <AE> <AE> }
          | { - <AE> <AE> }
          | { * <AE> <AE> }
          | { / <AE> <AE> }

;; AE abstract syntax trees
(define-type AE
  [Num Number]
  [Add AE AE]
  [Sub AE AE]
  [Mul AE AE]
  [Div AE AE])

(: parse-sexpr : Sexpr -> AE)
;; parses s-expressions into AEs
(define (parse-sexpr sexpr)
  (match sexpr
    [(number: n) (Num n)]
    [(list '+ lhs rhs) (Add (parse-sexpr lhs) (parse-sexpr rhs))]
    [(list '- lhs rhs) (Sub (parse-sexpr lhs) (parse-sexpr rhs))]
    [(list '* lhs rhs) (Mul (parse-sexpr lhs) (parse-sexpr rhs))]
    [(list '/ lhs rhs) (Div (parse-sexpr lhs) (parse-sexpr rhs))]
    [else (error 'parse-sexpr "bad syntax in ~s" sexpr)]))

(: parse : String -> AE)
;; parses a string containing an AE expression to an AE AST
(define (parse str)
  (parse-sexpr (string->sexpr str)))

(: eval : AE -> Number)
;; consumes an AE and computes the corresponding number
(define (eval expr)
  (cases expr
    [(Num n)  n]
    [(Add l r) (+ (eval l) (eval r))]
    [(Sub l r) (- (eval l) (eval r))]
    [(Mul l r) (* (eval l) (eval r))]
    [(Div l r) (/ (eval l) (eval r))]))

(: run : String -> Number)
;; evaluate an AE program contained in a string
(define (run str)
  (eval (parse str)))

;; tests
(test (run "3") => 3)
(test (run "{+ 3 4}") => 7)
(test (run "{+ {- 3 4} 7}") => 6)

(Note that the tests are done with a test form, which we mentioned above.)

For anyone who thinks that Racket is a bad choice, this is a good point to think how much code would be needed in some other language to do the same as above.

Intro to Typed Racket

The plan:


Typed Racket will be both similar to and very different from anything you’ve seen before.

Why types?

Types will help you. A lot.

Structuring programs

Why Typed Racket?

Racket is the language we all know, and it has the benefits that we discussed earlier. Mainly, it is an excellent language for experimenting with programming languages.

[Also: the development of Typed Racket is happening here in Northeastern, and will benefit from your feedback.]

How is Typed Racket different from Racket


(: digit-num : Number -> (U Number String))
(define (digit-num n)
  (cond [(<= n 9)    1]
        [(<= n 99)  2]
        [(<= n 999)  3]
        [(<= n 9999) 4]
        [else        "a lot"]))

(: fact : Number -> Number)
(define (fact n)
  (if (zero? n)
    (* n (fact (- n 1)))))

(: helper : Number Number -> Number)
(define (helper n acc)
  (if (zero? n)
    (helper (- n 1) (* acc n))))
(: fact : Number -> Number)
(define (fact n)
  (helper n 1))

(: fact : Number -> Number)
(define (fact n)
  (: helper : Number Number -> Number)
  (define (helper n acc)
    (if (zero? n)
      (helper (- n 1) (* acc n))))
  (helper n 1))

(: every? : (All (A) (A -> Boolean) (Listof A) -> Boolean))
;; Returns false if any element of lst fails the given pred,
;; true if all pass pred.
(define (every? pred lst)
  (or (null? lst)
      (and (pred (first lst))
          (every? pred (rest lst)))))

(define-type AE
  [Num Number]
  [Add AE AE]
  [Sub AE AE])

;; the only difference in the following definition is
;; using (: <name> : <type>) instead of ";; <name> : <type>"

(: parse-sexpr : Sexpr -> AE)
;; parses s-expressions into AEs
(define (parse-sexpr sexpr)
  (match sexpr
    [(number: n) (Num n)]
    [(list '+ left right)
    (Add (parse-sexpr left) (parse-sexpr right))]
    [(list '- left right)
    (Sub (parse-sexpr left) (parse-sexpr right))]
    [else (error 'parse-sexpr "bad syntax in ~s" sexpr)]))

More interesting examples

Bindings & Substitution

We now get to an important concept: substitution.

Even in our simple language, we encounter repeated expressions. For example, if we want to compute the square of some expression:

{* {+ 4 2} {+ 4 2}}

Why would we want to get rid of the repeated sub-expression?

So, the normal way to avoid redundancy is to introduce an identifier. Even when we speak, we might say: “let x be 4 plus 2, multiply x by x”.

(These are often called “variables”, but we will try to avoid this name: what if the identifier does not change (vary)?)

To get this, we introduce a new form into our language:

{with {x {+ 4 2}}
  {* x x}}

We expect to be able to reduce this to:

{* 6 6}

by substituting 6 for x in the body sub-expression of with.

A little more complicated example:

{with {x {+ 4 2}}
  {with {y {* x x}}
    {+ y y}}}
[add]  = {with {x 6} {with {y {* x x}} {+ y y}}}
[subst]= {with {y {* 6 6}} {+ y y}}
[mul]  = {with {y 36} {+ y y}}
[subst]= {+ 36 36}
[add]  = 72