Lecture #5, Tuesday, January 21st ================================= - WAE: Adding Bindings to AE - Evaluation of `with` ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # WAE: Adding Bindings to AE > [PLAI ยง3] To add this to our language, we start with the BNF. We now call our language "WAE" (With+AE): ::= | { + } | { - } | { * } | { / } | { with { } } | Note that we had to introduce *two* new rules: one for introducing an identifier, and one for using it. This is common in many language specifications, for example `define-type` introduces a new type, and it comes with `cases` that allows us to destruct its instances. For `` we need to use some form of identifiers, the natural choice in Racket is to use symbols. We can therefore write the corresponding type definition: (define-type WAE [Num Number] [Add WAE WAE] [Sub WAE WAE] [Mul WAE WAE] [Div WAE WAE] [Id Symbol] [With Symbol WAE WAE]) The parser is easily extended to produce these syntax objects: (: parse-sexpr : Sexpr -> WAE) ;; parses s-expressions into WAEs (define (parse-sexpr sexpr) (match sexpr [(number: n) (Num n)] [(symbol: name) (Id name)] [(list 'with (list (symbol: name) named) body) (With name (parse-sexpr named) (parse-sexpr body))] [(list '+ lhs rhs) (Add (parse-sexpr lhs) (parse-sexpr rhs))] [(list '- lhs rhs) (Sub (parse-sexpr lhs) (parse-sexpr rhs))] [(list '* lhs rhs) (Mul (parse-sexpr lhs) (parse-sexpr rhs))] [(list '/ lhs rhs) (Div (parse-sexpr lhs) (parse-sexpr rhs))] [else (error 'parse-sexpr "bad syntax in ~s" sexpr)])) But note that this parser is inconvenient --- if any of these expressions: {* 1 2 3} {foo 5 6} {with x 5 {* x 8}} {with {5 x} {* x 8}} would result in a "bad syntax" error, which is not very helpful. To make things better, we can add another case for `with` expressions that are malformed, and give a more specific message in that case: (: parse-sexpr : Sexpr -> WAE) ;; parses s-expressions into WAEs (define (parse-sexpr sexpr) (match sexpr [(number: n) (Num n)] [(symbol: name) (Id name)] [(list 'with (list (symbol: name) named) body) (With name (parse-sexpr named) (parse-sexpr body))] [(cons 'with more) (error 'parse-sexpr "bad `with' syntax in ~s" sexpr)] [(list '+ lhs rhs) (Add (parse-sexpr lhs) (parse-sexpr rhs))] [(list '- lhs rhs) (Sub (parse-sexpr lhs) (parse-sexpr rhs))] [(list '* lhs rhs) (Mul (parse-sexpr lhs) (parse-sexpr rhs))] [(list '/ lhs rhs) (Div (parse-sexpr lhs) (parse-sexpr rhs))] [else (error 'parse-sexpr "bad syntax in ~s" sexpr)])) and finally, to group all of the parsing code that deals with `with` expressions (both valid and invalid ones), we can use a single case for both of them: (: parse-sexpr : Sexpr -> WAE) ;; parses s-expressions into WAEs (define (parse-sexpr sexpr) (match sexpr [(number: n) (Num n)] [(symbol: name) (Id name)] [(cons 'with more) ;; go in here for all sexpr that begin with a 'with (match sexpr [(list 'with (list (symbol: name) named) body) (With name (parse-sexpr named) (parse-sexpr body))] [else (error 'parse-sexpr "bad `with' syntax in ~s" sexpr)])] [(list '+ lhs rhs) (Add (parse-sexpr lhs) (parse-sexpr rhs))] [(list '- lhs rhs) (Sub (parse-sexpr lhs) (parse-sexpr rhs))] [(list '* lhs rhs) (Mul (parse-sexpr lhs) (parse-sexpr rhs))] [(list '/ lhs rhs) (Div (parse-sexpr lhs) (parse-sexpr rhs))] [else (error 'parse-sexpr "bad syntax in ~s" sexpr)])) And now we're done with the syntactic part of the `with` extension. > Quick note --- why would we indent `With` like a normal function in > code like this > > (With 'x > (Num 2) > (Add (Id 'x) (Num 4))) > > instead of an indentation that looks like a `let` > > (With 'x (Num 2) > (Add (Id 'x) (Num 4))) > > ? > > The reason for this is that the second indentation looks like a > binding construct (eg, the indentation used in a `let` expression), > but `With` is *not* a binding form --- it's a *plain function* because > it's at the Racket level. You should therefore keep in mind the huge > difference between that `With` and the `with` that appears in WAE > programs: > > {with {x 2} > {+ x 4}} > > Another way to look at it: imagine that we intend for the language to > be used by Spanish/Chinese/German/French speakers. In this case we > would translate "`with`": > > {con {x 2} {+ x 4}} > {he {x 2} {+ x 4}} > {mit {x 2} {+ x 4}} > {avec {x 2} {+ x 4}} > {c {x 2} {+ x 4}} > > but we will *not* do the same for `With` if we (the language > implementors) are English speakers. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Evaluation of `with` Now, to make this work, we will need to do some substitutions. We basically want to say that to evaluate: {with {id WAE1} WAE2} we need to evaluate `WAE2` with id substituted by `WAE1`. Formally: eval( {with {id WAE1} WAE2} ) = eval( subst(WAE2,id,WAE1) ) There is a more common syntax for substitution (quick: what do I mean by this use of "syntax"?): eval( {with {id WAE1} WAE2} ) = eval( WAE2[WAE1/id] ) > Side-note: this syntax originates with logicians who used `[x/v]e`, > and later there was a convention that mimicked the more natural order > of arguments to a function with `e[x->v]`, and eventually both of > these got combined into `e[v/x]` which is a little confusing in that > the left-to-right order of the arguments is not the same as for the > `subst` function. Now all we need is an exact definition of substitution. > Note that substitution is not the same as evaluation, it's only a part > of the evaluation process. In the previous examples, when we evaluated > the expression we did substitutions as well as the usual arithmetic > operations that were already part of the AE evaluator. In this last > definition there is still a missing evaluation step, see if you can > find it. So let us try to define substitution now: > Substitution (take 1): `e[v/i]` \ > To substitute an identifier `i` in an expression `e` with an > expression `v`, replace all identifiers in `e` that have the same > name `i` by the expression `v`. This seems to work with simple expressions, for example: {with {x 5} {+ x x}} --> {+ 5 5} {with {x 5} {+ 10 4}} --> {+ 10 4} however, we crash with an invalid syntax if we try: {with {x 5} {+ x {with {x 3} 10}}} --> {+ 5 {with {5 3} 10}} ??? --- we got to an invalid expression. To fix this, we need to distinguish normal occurrences of identifiers, and ones that are used as new bindings. We need a few new terms for this: 1. Binding Instance: a binding instance of an identifier is one that is used to name it in a new binding. In our `` syntax, binding instances are only the `` position of the `with` form. 2. Scope: the scope of a binding instance is the region of program text in which instances of the identifier refer to the value bound in the binding instance. (Note that this definition actually relies on a definition of substitution, because that is what is used to specify how identifiers refer to values.) 3. Bound Instance (or Bound Occurrence / Identifier): an instance of an identifier is bound if it is contained within the scope of a binding instance of its name. 4. Free Instance (or Free Occurrence / Identifier): An identifier that is not contained in any binding instance of its name is said to be free. Using this we can say that the problem with the previous definition of substitution is that it failed to distinguish between bound instances (which should be substituted) and binding instances (which should not). So we try to fix this: > Substitution (take 2): `e[v/i]` \ > To substitute an identifier `i` in an expression `e` with an > expression `v`, replace all instances of `i` that are not themselves > binding instances with the expression `v`. First of all, check the previous examples: {with {x 5} {+ x x}} --> {+ 5 5} {with {x 5} {+ 10 4}} --> {+ 10 4} still work, and {with {x 5} {+ x {with {x 3} 10}}} --> {+ 5 {with {x 3} 10}} --> {+ 5 10} also works. However, if we try this: {with {x 5} {+ x {with {x 3} x}}} we get: --> {+ 5 {with {x 3} 5}} --> {+ 5 5} --> 10 but we want that to be `8`: the inner `x` should be bound by the closest `with` that binds it. The problem is that the new definition of substitution that we have respects binding instances, but it fails to deal with their scope. In the above example, we want the inner `with` to *shadow* the outer `with`'s binding for `x`. > Substitution (take 3): `e[v/i]` \ > To substitute an identifier `i` in an expression `e` with an > expression `v`, replace all instances of `i` that are not themselves > binding instances, and that are not in any nested scope, with the > expression `v`. This avoids bad substitution above, but it is now doing things too carefully: {with {x 5} {+ x {with {y 3} x}}} becomes --> {+ 5 {with {y 3} x}} --> {+ 5 x} which is an error because `x` is unbound (and there is reasonable no rule that we can specify to evaluate it). The problem is that our substitution halts at every new scope, in this case, it stopped at the new `y` scope, but it shouldn't have because it uses a different name. In fact, that last definition of substitution cannot handle any nested scope. Revise again: > Substitution (take 4): `e[v/i]` \ > To substitute an identifier `i` in an expression `e` with an > expression `v`, replace all instances of `i` that are not themselves > binding instances, and that are not in any nested scope of `i`, with > the expression `v`. which, finally, is a good definition. This is just a little too mechanical. Notice that we actually refer to all instances of `i` that are not in a scope of a binding instance of `i`, which simply means all *free occurrences* of `i` --- free in `e` (why? --- remember the definition of "free"?): > Substitution (take 4b): `e[v/i]` \ > To substitute an identifier `i` in an expression `e` with an > expression `v`, replace all instances of `i` that are free in `e` > with the expression `v`. Based on this we can finally write the code for it: (: subst : WAE Symbol WAE -> WAE) ;; substitutes the second argument with the third argument in the ;; first argument, as per the rules of substitution; the resulting ;; expression contains no free instances of the second argument (define (subst expr from to) ; returns expr[to/from] (cases expr [(Num n) expr] [(Add l r) (Add (subst l from to) (subst r from to))] [(Sub l r) (Sub (subst l from to) (subst r from to))] [(Mul l r) (Mul (subst l from to) (subst r from to))] [(Div l r) (Div (subst l from to) (subst r from to))] [(Id name) (if (eq? name from) to expr)] [(With bound-id named-expr bound-body) (if (eq? bound-id from) expr ;*** don't go in! (With bound-id named-expr (subst bound-body from to)))])) ... and this is just the same as writing a formal "paper version" of the substitution rule. We still have bugs: but we'll need some more work to get to them. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Before we find the bugs, we need to see when and how substitution is used in the evaluation process. To modify our evaluator, we will need rules to deal with the new syntax pieces --- `with` expressions and identifiers. When we see an expression that looks like: {with {x E1} E2} we continue by *evaluating* `E1` to get a value `V1`, we then substitute the identifier `x` with the expression `V1` in `E2`, and continue by evaluating this new expression. In other words, we have the following evaluation rule: eval( {with {x E1} E2} ) = eval( E2[eval(E1)/x] ) So we know what to do with `with` expressions. How about identifiers? The main feature of `subst`, as said in the purpose statement, is that it leaves no free instances of the substituted variable around. This means that if the initial expression is valid (did not contain any free variables), then when we go from {with {x E1} E2} to E2[E1/x] the result is an expression that has *no* free instances of `x`. So we don't need to handle identifiers in the evaluator --- substitutions make them all go away. We can now extend the formal definition of AE to that of WAE: eval(...) = ... same as the AE rules ... eval({with {x E1} E2}) = eval(E2[eval(E1)/x]) eval(id) = error! If you're paying close attention, you might catch a potential problem in this definition: we're substituting `eval(E1)` for `x` in `E2` --- an operation that requires a WAE expression, but `eval(E1)` is a number. (Look at the type of the `eval` definition we had for AE, then look at the above definition of `subst`.) This seems like being overly pedantic, but we it will require some resolution when we get to the code. The above rules are easily coded as follows: (: eval : WAE -> Number) ;; evaluates WAE expressions by reducing them to numbers (define (eval expr) (cases expr [(Num n) n] [(Add l r) (+ (eval l) (eval r))] [(Sub l r) (- (eval l) (eval r))] [(Mul l r) (* (eval l) (eval r))] [(Div l r) (/ (eval l) (eval r))] [(With bound-id named-expr bound-body) (eval (subst bound-body bound-id (Num (eval named-expr))))] ;*** [(Id name) (error 'eval "free identifier: ~s" name)])) Note the `Num` expression in the marked line: evaluating the named expression gives us back a number --- we need to convert this number into a syntax to be able to use it with `subst`. The solution is to use `Num` to convert the resulting number into a numeral (the syntax of a number). It's not an elegant solution, but it will do for now. Finally, here are a few test cases. We use a new `test` special form which is part of the course plugin. The way to use `test` is with two expressions and an `=>` arrow --- DrRacket evaluates both, and nothing will happen if the results are equal. If the results are different, you will get a warning line, but evaluation will continue so you can try additional tests. You can also use an `=error>` arrow to test an error message --- use it with some text from the expected error, `?` stands for any single character, and `*` is a sequence of zero or more characters. (When you use `test` in your homework, the handin server will abort when tests fail.) We expect these tests to succeed (make sure that you understand *why* they should succeed). ;; tests (test (run "5") => 5) (test (run "{+ 5 5}") => 10) (test (run "{with {x {+ 5 5}} {+ x x}}") => 20) (test (run "{with {x 5} {+ x x}}") => 10) (test (run "{with {x {+ 5 5}} {with {y {- x 3}} {+ y y}}}") => 14) (test (run "{with {x 5} {with {y {- x 3}} {+ y y}}}") => 4) (test (run "{with {x 5} {+ x {with {x 3} 10}}}") => 15) (test (run "{with {x 5} {+ x {with {x 3} x}}}") => 8) (test (run "{with {x 5} {+ x {with {y 3} x}}}") => 10) (test (run "{with {x 5} {with {y x} y}}") => 5) (test (run "{with {x 5} {with {x x} x}}") => 5) (test (run "{with {x 1} y}") =error> "free identifier") Putting this all together, we get the following code; trying to run this code will raise an unexpected error... #lang pl #| BNF for the WAE language: ::= | { + } | { - } | { * } | { / } | { with { } } | |# ;; WAE abstract syntax trees (define-type WAE [Num Number] [Add WAE WAE] [Sub WAE WAE] [Mul WAE WAE] [Div WAE WAE] [Id Symbol] [With Symbol WAE WAE]) (: parse-sexpr : Sexpr -> WAE) ;; parses s-expressions into WAEs (define (parse-sexpr sexpr) (match sexpr [(number: n) (Num n)] [(symbol: name) (Id name)] [(cons 'with more) (match sexpr [(list 'with (list (symbol: name) named) body) (With name (parse-sexpr named) (parse-sexpr body))] [else (error 'parse-sexpr "bad `with' syntax in ~s" sexpr)])] [(list '+ lhs rhs) (Add (parse-sexpr lhs) (parse-sexpr rhs))] [(list '- lhs rhs) (Sub (parse-sexpr lhs) (parse-sexpr rhs))] [(list '* lhs rhs) (Mul (parse-sexpr lhs) (parse-sexpr rhs))] [(list '/ lhs rhs) (Div (parse-sexpr lhs) (parse-sexpr rhs))] [else (error 'parse-sexpr "bad syntax in ~s" sexpr)])) (: parse : String -> WAE) ;; parses a string containing a WAE expression to a WAE AST (define (parse str) (parse-sexpr (string->sexpr str))) (: subst : WAE Symbol WAE -> WAE) ;; substitutes the second argument with the third argument in the ;; first argument, as per the rules of substitution; the resulting ;; expression contains no free instances of the second argument (define (subst expr from to) (cases expr [(Num n) expr] [(Add l r) (Add (subst l from to) (subst r from to))] [(Sub l r) (Sub (subst l from to) (subst r from to))] [(Mul l r) (Mul (subst l from to) (subst r from to))] [(Div l r) (Div (subst l from to) (subst r from to))] [(Id name) (if (eq? name from) to expr)] [(With bound-id named-expr bound-body) (if (eq? bound-id from) expr (With bound-id named-expr (subst bound-body from to)))])) (: eval : WAE -> Number) ;; evaluates WAE expressions by reducing them to numbers (define (eval expr) (cases expr [(Num n) n] [(Add l r) (+ (eval l) (eval r))] [(Sub l r) (- (eval l) (eval r))] [(Mul l r) (* (eval l) (eval r))] [(Div l r) (/ (eval l) (eval r))] [(With bound-id named-expr bound-body) (eval (subst bound-body bound-id (Num (eval named-expr))))] [(Id name) (error 'eval "free identifier: ~s" name)])) (: run : String -> Number) ;; evaluate a WAE program contained in a string (define (run str) (eval (parse str))) ;; tests (test (run "5") => 5) (test (run "{+ 5 5}") => 10) (test (run "{with {x {+ 5 5}} {+ x x}}") => 20) (test (run "{with {x 5} {+ x x}}") => 10) (test (run "{with {x {+ 5 5}} {with {y {- x 3}} {+ y y}}}") => 14) (test (run "{with {x 5} {with {y {- x 3}} {+ y y}}}") => 4) (test (run "{with {x 5} {+ x {with {x 3} 10}}}") => 15) (test (run "{with {x 5} {+ x {with {x 3} x}}}") => 8) (test (run "{with {x 5} {+ x {with {y 3} x}}}") => 10) (test (run "{with {x 5} {with {y x} y}}") => 5) (test (run "{with {x 5} {with {x x} x}}") => 5) (test (run "{with {x 1} y}") =error> "free identifier") ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Oops, this program still has problems that were caught by the tests --- we encounter unexpected free identifier errors. What's the problem now? In expressions like: {with {x 5} {with {y x} y}} we forgot to substitute `x` in the expression that `y` is bound to. We need to the recursive substitute in both the with's body expression as well as its named expression: (: subst : WAE Symbol WAE -> WAE) ;; substitutes the second argument with the third argument in the ;; first argument, as per the rules of substitution; the resulting ;; expression contains no free instances of the second argument (define (subst expr from to) (cases expr [(Num n) expr] [(Add l r) (Add (subst l from to) (subst r from to))] [(Sub l r) (Sub (subst l from to) (subst r from to))] [(Mul l r) (Mul (subst l from to) (subst r from to))] [(Div l r) (Div (subst l from to) (subst r from to))] [(Id name) (if (eq? name from) to expr)] [(With bound-id named-expr bound-body) (if (eq? bound-id from) expr (With bound-id (subst named-expr from to) ;*** new (subst bound-body from to)))])) And *still* we have a problem... Now it's {with {x 5} {with {x x} x}} that halts with an error, but we want it to evaluate to `5`! Carefully trying out our substitution code reveals the problem: when we substitute `5` for the outer `x`, we don't go inside the inner `with` because it has the same name --- but we *do* need to go into its named expression. We need to substitute in the named expression even if the identifier is the *same* one we're substituting: (: subst : WAE Symbol WAE -> WAE) ;; substitutes the second argument with the third argument in the ;; first argument, as per the rules of substitution; the resulting ;; expression contains no free instances of the second argument (define (subst expr from to) (cases expr [(Num n) expr] [(Add l r) (Add (subst l from to) (subst r from to))] [(Sub l r) (Sub (subst l from to) (subst r from to))] [(Mul l r) (Mul (subst l from to) (subst r from to))] [(Div l r) (Div (subst l from to) (subst r from to))] [(Id name) (if (eq? name from) to expr)] [(With bound-id named-expr bound-body) (With bound-id (subst named-expr from to) (if (eq? bound-id from) bound-body (subst bound-body from to)))])) The complete (and, finally, correct) version of the code is now: ;;; ---<<>>---------------------------------------------------- #lang pl #| BNF for the WAE language: ::= | { + } | { - } | { * } | { / } | { with { } } | |# ;; WAE abstract syntax trees (define-type WAE [Num Number] [Add WAE WAE] [Sub WAE WAE] [Mul WAE WAE] [Div WAE WAE] [Id Symbol] [With Symbol WAE WAE]) (: parse-sexpr : Sexpr -> WAE) ;; parses s-expressions into WAEs (define (parse-sexpr sexpr) (match sexpr [(number: n) (Num n)] [(symbol: name) (Id name)] [(cons 'with more) (match sexpr [(list 'with (list (symbol: name) named) body) (With name (parse-sexpr named) (parse-sexpr body))] [else (error 'parse-sexpr "bad `with' syntax in ~s" sexpr)])] [(list '+ lhs rhs) (Add (parse-sexpr lhs) (parse-sexpr rhs))] [(list '- lhs rhs) (Sub (parse-sexpr lhs) (parse-sexpr rhs))] [(list '* lhs rhs) (Mul (parse-sexpr lhs) (parse-sexpr rhs))] [(list '/ lhs rhs) (Div (parse-sexpr lhs) (parse-sexpr rhs))] [else (error 'parse-sexpr "bad syntax in ~s" sexpr)])) (: parse : String -> WAE) ;; parses a string containing a WAE expression to a WAE AST (define (parse str) (parse-sexpr (string->sexpr str))) #| Formal specs for `subst': (`N' is a , `E1', `E2' are s, `x' is some , `y' is a *different* ) N[v/x] = N {+ E1 E2}[v/x] = {+ E1[v/x] E2[v/x]} {- E1 E2}[v/x] = {- E1[v/x] E2[v/x]} {* E1 E2}[v/x] = {* E1[v/x] E2[v/x]} {/ E1 E2}[v/x] = {/ E1[v/x] E2[v/x]} y[v/x] = y x[v/x] = v {with {y E1} E2}[v/x] = {with {y E1[v/x]} E2[v/x]} {with {x E1} E2}[v/x] = {with {x E1[v/x]} E2} |# (: subst : WAE Symbol WAE -> WAE) ;; substitutes the second argument with the third argument in the ;; first argument, as per the rules of substitution; the resulting ;; expression contains no free instances of the second argument (define (subst expr from to) (cases expr [(Num n) expr] [(Add l r) (Add (subst l from to) (subst r from to))] [(Sub l r) (Sub (subst l from to) (subst r from to))] [(Mul l r) (Mul (subst l from to) (subst r from to))] [(Div l r) (Div (subst l from to) (subst r from to))] [(Id name) (if (eq? name from) to expr)] [(With bound-id named-expr bound-body) (With bound-id (subst named-expr from to) (if (eq? bound-id from) bound-body (subst bound-body from to)))])) #| Formal specs for `eval': eval(N) = N eval({+ E1 E2}) = eval(E1) + eval(E2) eval({- E1 E2}) = eval(E1) - eval(E2) eval({* E1 E2}) = eval(E1) * eval(E2) eval({/ E1 E2}) = eval(E1) / eval(E2) eval(id) = error! eval({with {x E1} E2}) = eval(E2[eval(E1)/x]) |# (: eval : WAE -> Number) ;; evaluates WAE expressions by reducing them to numbers (define (eval expr) (cases expr [(Num n) n] [(Add l r) (+ (eval l) (eval r))] [(Sub l r) (- (eval l) (eval r))] [(Mul l r) (* (eval l) (eval r))] [(Div l r) (/ (eval l) (eval r))] [(With bound-id named-expr bound-body) (eval (subst bound-body bound-id (Num (eval named-expr))))] [(Id name) (error 'eval "free identifier: ~s" name)])) (: run : String -> Number) ;; evaluate a WAE program contained in a string (define (run str) (eval (parse str))) ;; tests (test (run "5") => 5) (test (run "{+ 5 5}") => 10) (test (run "{with {x 5} {+ x x}}") => 10) (test (run "{with {x {+ 5 5}} {+ x x}}") => 20) (test (run "{with {x 5} {with {y {- x 3}} {+ y y}}}") => 4) (test (run "{with {x {+ 5 5}} {with {y {- x 3}} {+ y y}}}") => 14) (test (run "{with {x 5} {+ x {with {x 3} 10}}}") => 15) (test (run "{with {x 5} {+ x {with {x 3} x}}}") => 8) (test (run "{with {x 5} {+ x {with {y 3} x}}}") => 10) (test (run "{with {x 5} {with {y x} y}}") => 5) (test (run "{with {x 5} {with {x x} x}}") => 5) (test (run "{with {x 1} y}") =error> "free identifier")